America: A Land Where Justice Is Absent
Paul Craig Roberts
America’s First Black President is a traitor to his
race and also to justice.
Obama has permitted the corrupt US Department of
Justice (sic), over which he wields authority, to overturn the ruling of a US
Federal Court of Appeals that prisoners sentenced illegally to longer terms
than the law permits must be released once the legal portion of their sentence
is served. The DOJ, devoid of all integrity, compassion, and sense of justice,
said that “finality” of conviction was more important than justice. Indeed, the
US Justice (sic) Department’s motto is: “Justice? We don’t need no stinkin’
The concept of “finality” was an invention of a
harebrained Republican conservative academic lionized by the Republican
Federalist Society. In years past conservatives believed—indeed, still do—that
the criminal justice system coddles criminals by allowing too many appeals
against their unlawful convictions. The appeals were granted by judges who
thought that the system was supposed to serve justice, but conservatives
demonized justice as something that enabled criminals. A succession of
Republican presidents turned the US Supreme Court into an organization that
only serves the interests of private corporations. Justice is nowhere in the
Appeals Court Judge, James Hill, a member of the court
that ruled that prisoners did not have to serve the illegal portion of their
sentences, when confronted with the Obama/DOJ deep-sixing of justice had this
to say:
“A judicial system that values finality over justice
is morally bankrupt.”
Obama’s DOJ says that there are too many black
prisoners illegally sentenced to be released without upsetting the
crime-fearful white population. According to Obama’s Justice (sic) Department,
the fears of brainwashed whites take precedence over justice. Judge Hill said
that the DOJ “calls itself, without a trace of irony, the Department of
Judge Hill added: We used to call such systems as
people sitting in prison serving sentences that were illegally imposed “gulags.”
“Now we call them the United States.”
America is a gulag. We are ruled by a government that
is devoid of all morality, all integrity, all compassion, all justice. The
government of the United States stands for one thing and one thing only: Evil.
It is just as Chavez told the United Nations in 2006
referring to President George W. Bush’s address to the assembly the day before:
“Yesterday, at this very podium, Satan himself stood speaking as if he owned
the world. You can still smell the sulfur.”
If you are an American and you cannot smell the
sulfur, you are tightly locked down in The Matrix. God help you. There is no
Neo to rescue you. And you are too brainwashed and ignorant to be rescued by
You are part of the new Captive Nation.
CreditMichela Buttignol
WASHINGTON — LAST month,President Obama used
his clemency power to reduce the sentences of 46 federal prisoners locked up on
drug-related charges. But for the last six years, his administration has worked
repeatedly behind the scenes to ensure that tens of thousands of poor people —
disproportionately minorities — languish in federal prison on sentences
declared by the courts, and even the president himself, to be illegal and
The case of Ezell Gilbert is emblematic of this
injustice. In March 1997, he was sentenced to 24 years and four months in
federal prison for possession with the intent to distribute more than 50 grams
of crack cocaine. Because of mandatory sentencing laws, Mr. Gilbert was
automatically sentenced to a quarter-century in prison, though even the judge
who sentenced him admitted that this was too harsh.
At his sentencing, Mr. Gilbert noted a legal error
that improperly increased his sentence by approximately a decade based on a
misclassification of one of his prior offenses. In 1999, without a lawyer, he
filed a petition seeking his release. A court ruled against him.
Nearly 10 years later, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in another prisoner’s case, confirming that Mr.
Gilbert had been right. A public defender helped him file a new petition for
immediate release in light of this new decision.
Mr. Obama’s Justice Department, however, convinced a Florida
federal judge that even if Mr. Gilbert’s sentence was illegal, he had to remain
in prison because prisoners should not be able to petition more than once for
release. The “finality” of criminal cases was too important, the department
argued, to allow prisoners more than one petition, even if a previous one was
wrongly denied.
A federal appellate court disagreed, and in June 2010,
three judges set Mr. Gilbert free. The judges rejected the administration’s
argument as a departure from basic fairness and explained that it simply could
not be the law in America that a person had to serve a prison sentence that
everyone admitted was illegal. Mr. Gilbert returned home and stayed out of
Here’s where it gets interesting. There are many
people like Mr. Gilbert in America’s federal prisons — people whose sentences
are now obviously illegal. Instead of rushing to ensure that all those
thousands of men and women illegally imprisoned at taxpayer expense were set
free, the Justice Department said that it did not want a rule that allowed
other prisoners like Mr. Gilbert to retroactively challenge their now illegal
sentences. If the “floodgates” were opened, too many others — mostly poor,
mostly black — would have to be released. The Obama administration’s fear of
the political ramifications of thousands of poor minority prisoners being
released at once around the country, what Justice William J. Brennan Jr. once
called “a fear of too much justice,” is the real justification.
In May 2011, the same court, led by a different group
of judges, sided with the original judge, saying that the
“finality” of sentences was too important a principle to allow prisoners to be
released on a second rather than first petition, even if the prison sentence
was illegal. A contrary rule would force the courts to hear the complaints of
too many other prisoners. Mr. Gilbert was rearrested and sent back to prison to
serve out his illegal sentence.
Judge James Hill, then an 87-year-old senior judge on
the appellate court in Atlanta, wrote a passionate dissent. Judge Hill, a
conservative who served in World War II and was appointed by Richard M. Nixon,
called the decision “shocking” and declared that a “judicial system that values
finality over justice is morally bankrupt.” Judge Hill wrote that the result
was “urged by a department of the United States that calls itself, without a
trace of irony, the Department of Justice.”
Judge Hill concluded: “The government hints that there
are many others in Gilbert’s position — sitting in prison serving sentences
that were illegally imposed. We used to call such systems ‘gulags.’ Now,
apparently, we call them the United States.”
Two years later, the Justice Department used a similar
tactic to overturn an entirely different federal appellate court decision that could have freed thousands of prisoners
convicted of nonviolent crack cocaine offenses — again, mostly impoverished and
mostly black — on the grounds that their sentences were discriminatory and
unjustifiable. The administration again did its work without fanfare in
esoteric legal briefs, even as the president publicly called the crack-cocaine
sentencing system “unfair.”
In 2013, several years after sending him back to
prison, Mr. Obama granted Mr. Gilbert clemency, and the president has recently
won praise for doing the same for several dozen other prisoners of the war on
drugs. Mr. Obama even visited a federal prison last month, staring into the
cells — emptied for his visit — of some of the men whom his own administration
has needlessly kept there.
But Mr. Obama must take steps to further undo the
damage that he has done. He should use his clemency power to release all those
currently held in a federal prison on an illegal sentence. And he should
appoint a permanent special counsel whose job would be to review new laws and
federal court cases on a continuing basis to identify and release other
prisoners whose sentences retroactively become clearly unlawful. That the
Department of Justice and Bureau of Prisons have never created such a position
is an outrage. If we fail to demand change now, this moment for justice may be
Alec Karakatsanis is a civil rights lawyer and co-founder
of Equal Justice Under Law, which litigates on behalf of indigent clients.
Alec Karakatsanis
is a civil rights lawyer and co-founder of Equal Justice
Under Law, mostly serving indigent people. His recent article
in the NY Times, President Obama's Department of
Injustice , which discusses how tens of thousands of prisoners,
mostly black, are being forced to serve longer sentences than they should,
inspired this interview.
Rob Kall: You just had an article published in the NY Times
focusing on injustice perpetrated by the Obama Department of Justice. Can you
describe the main issues, please.
Alec Karakatsanis: The article
focused on just one of the many egregious injustices that we inflict every day
in the system that we call the "criminal justice" system. The crux of
the issue is that the United States puts more human beings in cages than any
society in the recorded history of the world. We put black people in cages at a
rate six times that of South Africa during the height of Apartheid. The real
story of that system is the story of how enormous amounts of human suffering
are normalized--of how the system not only normalizes that suffering, but
tolerates, rationalizes, justifies, and then reproduces it.
The particular disaster that I wrote about in the NY Times involves the
federal courts admitting that, for decades, they had been misinterpreting the
law and allowing tens of thousands of illegal sentences (the vast majority
given to impoverished people and disproportionately to people of color). Those
sentences were years, and sometimes decades, too long. You might think that a
system calling itself the "justice" system would immediately rush to
figure out who remained in prison on an illegal sentence so that it could
immediately release them. Indeed, a couple of courts in various contexts ruled
that the prisoners could petition for their release. Unfortunately, the Obama
"Department of Justice" decided that it would be a terrible thing for
so many unjustly imprisoned people to be released because it would disturb what
it called "the finality" of criminal cases. As a result, the Obama
DOJ successfully convinced some very willing federal judges to adopt rules that
basically forbid people with illegal sentences from challenging those sentences
in court, even if everyone agrees that they are now illegal.
"...for the
last six years, his (Obama's) administration has worked repeatedly behind the
scenes to ensure that tens of thousands of poor people -- disproportionately
minorities -- languish in federal prison on sentences declared by the courts,
and even the president himself, to be illegal and unjustifiable."
And you say, in the
"The Obama
administration's fear of the political ramifications of thousands of poor
minority prisoners being released at once around the country, what Justice
William J. Brennan Jr. once called "a fear of too much justice," is
the real justification."
What makes the sentences illegal and unjust?
Tell us about prisoner Ezell Gilbert and Judge James Hill, and about your take
on Obama's words and actions. How much does it cost to keep these tens of
thousands imprisoned?
Alec Karakatsanis: Basically,
criminal defendants in the federal system can have their sentences increased if
they have prior offenses that qualify for certain enhancements. The Supreme
Court said that lower courts, in their zeal to participate in the cultural
zeitgeist American mass incarceration, were improperly applying many
enhancements in cases that they shouldn't have been, i.e. where a person's
prior offenses should not have qualified for those enhancements.
Ezell Gilbert was one such human being. He tried at every turn to point
out that the enhancement should not apply to him, and his sentence was
increased by about 11 years because of the error. Judge Hill, a senior judge
and WWII veteran ordered Mr. Gilbert released because, I think, he believed
that the American legal system that he fought for does not allow a person to be
kept in jail when everyone agrees his sentence is illegal. Mr. Gilbert was
released and was doing well with his family for nearly a year. Then, at Obama's
request, Judge Hill was overruled by other judges, who accepted Obama's
argument that, if they released Mr. Gilbert, they would have to release many
thousands of other prisoners, and that would create a risk that too many
prisoners would try to disturb what the DOJ called the "finality" of
their convictions. The DOJ re-arrested Mr. Gilbert and sent him back to his
So, in public, Obama criticized unfair and irrational sentences at the
same time as his lawyers worked to ensure that thousands of people would still
have to serve those sentences. And he did almost the exact same thing after
courts tried to release prisoners with illegal sentences for crack cocaine
The human costs are staggering: destroyed lives, broken families,
sexual assault in prison, children without parents, the torture of solitary
confinement, etc.. The financial costs are also significant--because the DOJ
and the Bureau of Prisons have not even undertaken to estimate how many tens of
thousands of people are serving illegal sentences, we don't know how many tens
of millions of dollars this decision cost taxpayers.
Rob Kall: Is the new US AG Loretta Lynch following in
Eric Holder's footsteps, maintaining these injustices?
Alec Karakatsanis:It's too early to tell
whether she will try to correct some of the injustices inflicted by her
predecessors. I hope she becomes a strong voice against the normalization of
tremendous brutality that has characterized the DOJ bureaucracy in recent
decades. I'm not optimistic, though, because her career prior to becoming
Attorney General was as a US Attorney essentially contributing to these
problems by vigorously pursuing the failed "war on drugs."
Rob Kall:
What are you and
your organization doing to right these wrongs? What can readers do?
Alec Karakatsanis: Our
organization has actually been working mostly on a different set of issues: the
rise of modern American debtors' prisons and the outrageous American money bail
system. There are, for example, 500,000 human beings every night in American
cages who are there solely because they cannot pay a monetary payment for their
release. You can read about our projects at In general, we represent impoverished people all over the country in
systemic civil rights challenges that try to end all of the ways that
impoverished people are abused in our criminal legal system. We are trying to
create a criminal system in which there is no longer an intolerable gap between
our values and our realities--between our words and slogans and our everyday
These injustices and the others that we work on are connected to the
issues in Mr. Gilbert's case because they are all manifestations of a legal
system and a culture, more broadly, that has become desensitized to the brutal
treatment that we inflict on marginalized people.
Readers can get involved in these issues in their local communities by
helping to organize for a more just and accountable legal system. Everyone
should find out how these problems are manifesting themselves in their own
cities and find the people who are working on these issues. Organizing and
making sure these marginalized voices are being heard is difficult, tiring
work, but it is essential. Nothing will change unless each of our communities
builds this knowledge and this power organically.
Rob Kall: Are
there any members of congress amenable to the changes you are seeking, working
with you? Have you brought these issues to the DNC and or to any of the
presidential primary candidates?
Alec Karakatsanis: I'm not
involved in any kind of political activity. My work is almost exclusively
representing clients living in poverty who are the victims of the way that our
legal system is organized, and I occasionally try to write about their stories.
I would hope that all members of Congress are amenable to demanding concrete
changes immediately.
Rob Kall: What can readers of this interview do to help?
And any final thoughts you'd like to add?
Alec Karakatsanis: These
injustices exist only because we tolerate them. Every reader and every person
in our society, at least in my view, has an obligation to fight for a society
in which this everyday brutality does not exist, and in which our values are
not just phrases that we say but also things that we do. These things (like
thousands of people languishing in jail on illegal sentences) are happening
because ordinary people are not informed about them and because ordinary people
have not been moved to demand something different be done in their name. Every
reader should read about these issues, visit a jail, talk to marginalized
people in their community about their experiences with the legal system, and
find the other people near them who are willing to come together and demand a
better, more equal and just society.
so much.

Rob Kall has
spent his adult life as an awakener and
empowerer-- first in the field of biofeedback, inventing products,
developing software and a music recording label, MuPsych, within the company
he founded in 1978-- Futurehealth, and founding, organizing and
running 3 conferences: Winter Brain, on Neurofeedback and
consciousness, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology (a pioneer in the
field of Positive Psychology, first presenting workshops on it in 1985)
and Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art Science and
Application of Story-- each the first of their kind. Then, when he
found the process of raising people's consciousness and empowering them to take
more control of their lives one person at a time was too slow, he
which has been the top search result on Google for the terms liberal news and
progressive opinion for several years. Rob began his Bottom-up Radio show,
broadcast on WNJC 1360 AM to Metro Philly, also available on iTunes, covering
the transition of our culture, business and world from predominantly Top-down
(hierarchical, centralized, authoritarian, patriarchal, big) to bottom-up (egalitarian,
local, interdependent, grassroots, archetypal feminine and small.) Recent
long-term projects include a book, Bottom-up-- The Connection Revolution,
debillionairizing the planet and the Psychopathy Defense and Optimization
Over 200 podcasts
are archived for downloading here, or can be accessed from iTunes. Rob is also (more..
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