Paul Craig Roberts Translations

What part will your country play in World War III?



What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff


The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent. It is evident that War Clouds are gathering. The signs are everywhere, with media coverage and open talk of war in many countries. The RAND Corporation have for years been preparing military scenarios for World War III, and NATO is reported to be currently doing so. Vast movements of NATO troops and equipment are either in preparation or process to surround Russia. The US is surrounding China with military bases including the world's largest in Guam. Both China and Russia are surrounded with nearly 400 US biological weapons labs. Iran is entirely vulnerable from the American military build-up in the Middle East.




Thursday, April 30, 2020

As if Covid-19 Is Not Enough of a Worry Washington Brings the World the Threat of Nuclear War

As if Covid-19 Is Not Enough of a Worry Washington Brings the World the Threat of Nuclear War
As if Covid-19 Is Not Enough of a Worry Washington Brings the World the Threat of Nuclear War

US push for low-yield nukes makes atomic war MORE likely as Russia will retaliate with full force, Moscow says
Nebojsa Malic
is a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for from 2000 to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT. Follow him on Twitter @NebojsaMalic
30 Apr, 2020 01:29 / Updated 7 hours ago
An unarmed Trident II (D5LE) missile launches from the Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine USS Maine (SSBN 741) off the coast of San Diego.
Trident II (D5LE) missile test launch from the Ohio-class submarine USS Maine off the coast of San Diego, California, Feb. 12, 2020. ©  US Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Thomas Gooley

The US State Department’s case for tactical nuclear weapons is a case study in psychological projection not seen since the darkest days of the Cold War and its ever-present threat of world-ending atomic holocaust.
Back in February, the Pentagon announced the US Navy has fielded the first batch of W76-2 low-yield submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) warheads. A paper by the State Department’s Bureau of Arms Control, published last week, aimed to explain the reasoning  behind this move and “debunk” the critics. The 10-page document was endorsed by the acting Under Secretary for arms control Christopher Ford, who hailed the missiles as “reducing net nuclear risks.”
On Wednesday, however, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called the move “a deliberate blurring of the lines between non-strategic and strategic nuclear weapons” that “inevitably leads to a lowering of the nuclear threshold and an increase in the threat of nuclear conflict.”
Everyone who wants to do this should understand that according to the Russian military doctrine, such actions will be considered the basis for the reciprocal use of nuclear weapons by Russia

In Effect Sweden’s Economy Is Also Closed by Paul Craig Roberts

In Effect Sweden’s Economy Is Also Closed

In Effect Sweden’s Economy Is Also Closed
Paul Craig Roberts
We have been subjected to much nonsensical disinformation that Sweden has kept its economy open and is faring no worse in infections than countries with closed economies and without the economic consequences of closed-downed economies.  The fact of the matter is that de facto Sweden’s economy is closed and is doing no better than anyone’s elses, and its infection rate is still rising.
Sweden closed universities and high schools, banned gatherings of large groups, asked people to avoid non-essential travel, and advised those ill and over 70 to stay at home. Sweden did not require restaurants, bars, and gyms to close, but business is down by 70% as people have avoided the risk.  That decline could be larger than in the US where restaurants are permitted to provide takeouts.  In Sweden the hotel occupancy rate has dropped from 60% to 10%.  Sweden’s economy is “open” only in words.
Despite the alleged “open economy,” economic sentiment indicators fell more in Sweden than in the rest of Europe and the US. The Swedish Riksbank estimates a 11% drop in Swedish GDP from January through April with a number of Swedish economic sectors being “drastically weaker.” This is worse than the 9% decline predicted for the US.
Moreover, closed down Norway, with which Sweden is usually compared, has seen its virus infection rate decline while “open” Sweden’s continues to rise.
This information comes from Bank of America’s Global Research, but I am prevented from reproducing the information. If I include the URL for the report, it opens as “bad request.”  So I will describe a bit more of the information.  It is distributed as a Merrill Lynch “morning market tidbits,” April 29, 2020.
There is a graph comparing Norwegian and Swedish infection rates.  The rates begin together and rise together until the end of the first week in April when the Norwegian rate turns down and the Swedish rate continues to rise.  If a line is fitted to the Norwegian data it is an upside down U shape.  The line fitted to the Swedish data is a straight line that rises to the right. As of yesterday Sweden’s new cases per million people is a multiple of Norway’s.
In view of these facts, go now and review all of the false claims that Sweden proves the close downs were pointless.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Real Economic Problem Is Not The Closedown by Paul Craig Roberts

The Real Economic Problem Is Not The Closedown

The Real Economic Problem Is Not The Closedown
Paul Craig Roberts
What do we make of it all?  I just read an article in the New York Times that reports that President Trump lied and hid from the public the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic .  On the other side, I encounter endless Internet rage that Covid-19 is a hoax, that New York city’s hospitals  are empty and no one has died.  It is nothing but a Rothchild-Rockefeller-Bill Gates plot. Perhaps the most stunningly inconsistant claim of all is that it is a bioweapon that is so harmless that there should have been no lockdown.  Why make a harmless bioweapon?  
Where one stands on the closedown depends on where one stands on other issues.  If you are a libertarian, you oppose the closedown because it interferes with your freedom and keeps useless old people alive who cost you payroll tax dollars.  It you are a Trump-hater like the New York Times you blame trump for understating the threat and not closing down soon enough.  If you are a Trump supporter you blame China and expect China to pay for it by forfeiting their trillion dollar holding of US government bonds.  
Those decrying the closedown are unaware of the mischief they are making.  They have set it up for the elites, who have taken us for another “bailout the one percent ride,” to blame the resulting economic depression on the closedown.  The US economy has been in a long-term recession.  Growth in income and wealth has accrued to the top few percent who own the majority of stocks and bonds driven up in price by the Fed’s money printing.  The rest of the population has been hurt by the offshoring of their jobs and by the financialization of the economy that leaves them little or no discretionary income after they pay their rent or mortgage, car payment, credit card payment and student debt.  
The economy was already in a debt deflation with 40% of the population unable to raise $400 cash according to the Federal Reserve.  The inevitable consequence of a debt deflation is economic depression as debt deflation precludes sufficient consumer aggregate demand to drive the economy.  GDP growth has received no help from business investment, because corporations have used their profits to buy back their own shares.  
The closedown is not responsible for the debt deflation, the foundations of which were already in place.  But the closedown has given it a push.  Small businesses were not bailed out like larger ones such as Boeing.  For small businesses the closedown represents a period when their costs exceed their revenues.  For the unemployed that resulted from the closedown, their living expenses continued but their pay checks did not. The Trump checks help as do temporary moratoriums on evictions to dely the inevitable, but for the majority of the already heavily indebted, the closedown adds to their debt.
Michael Hudson and I believe that an economic system that enriches the rentier class by converting as much of personal income as possible to the service of debt is an economic system that is dead in the water.  One possible way out is a debt writedown in order to create some discretionary income.  Keep in mind that when the replacement of offshored manufacturing jobs with Walmart jobs stopped US GDP growth, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan subsituted growth in consumer debt for the missing income growth, and by this substitution created discretionary income by loading up the consumer with debt.
That load is now full.  We are in the unenviable position of having very high stock prices in an econony that has no growth potential.  The high stock prices are the product of trillions of dollars injected into financial asset prices.  If the reopening spreads the virus and produces a second wave that overwhelms the health care system on a broader basis, the economy could be shutdown again, or if kept open could be disrupted by widespread illness or reluctance to accept exposure to the virus.  On the other hand, if the virus has run its course, or the threat was exaggerated, the existing stifling debt burden remains. 
The danger in the shouting and finger-pointing is that a sick economy will be blamed on the closedown, not on the debt burden.  Reopening the economy does not make the debt burden disappear.  Michael Hudson and I have tried to focus the public and policymakers on the real problem.  So far we have been unsuccessful.

Monday, April 27, 2020

IT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'Arte della Guerra -- Giulietto Chiesa in prima linea fino all’ultimo

Giovedì 31 maggio sarò a Napoli,... - GIULIETTO CHIESA | Facebook

L’Arte della guerra

Giulietto Chiesa in prima linea fino all’ultimo

Manlio Dinucci


Giulietto Chiesa è morto poche ore dopo aver concluso, nel 75° Anniversario della Liberazione e della fine della Seconda guerra mondiale, il Convegno internazionale del 25 Aprile «Liberiamoci dal virus della guerra». Un convegno in diretta streaming, organizzato dal Comitato No Guerra No Nato, di cui era uno dei fondatori, e da Global Research (Canada), il Centro di ricerca sulla globalizzazione diretto dal professor Michel Chossudovsky.

Diversi relatori – dall’Italia ad altri paesi europei, dagli Stati uniti alla Russia, dal Canada all’Australia – hanno esaminato le ragioni di fondo per cui dal 1945 ad oggi la guerra non è mai terminata: al Secondo conflitto mondiale ha fatto seguito la Guerra fredda, quindi una serie ininterrotta di guerre e il ritorno a una situazione analoga a quella della Guerra fredda che accresce il rischio di un conflitto nucleare.

Gli economisti Michel Chossudovsky (Canada)Peter Koenig (Svizzera) Guido Grossi hanno spiegato come potenti forze economiche e finanziarie sfruttano la crisi del coronavirus per impadronirsi delle economie nazionali e cosa dovremmo fare per sventare tale piano.

David Swanson (direttore di World Beyond War, Usa), l’economista Tim Anderson (Australia), il fotogiornalista Giorgio Bianchi e lo storico Franco Cardini hanno parlato delle guerre passate e attuali, funzionali agli interessi delle stesse potenti forze.

L’esperto di questioni politico-militari Vladimir Kozin (Russia), la saggista Diana Johnstone (Usa),  la segretaria della Campagna per il disarmo nucleare Kate Hudson (Regno Unito) hanno esaminato i meccanismi che accrescono la probabilità di un catastrofico conflitto nucleare.

John Shipton (Australia), padre di Julian Assange, e Ann Wright (Usa), già colonnello dello US Army, hanno illustrato la drammatica situazione di Julian Assange, il giornalista fondatore di WikiLeaks detenuto a Londra, col rischio di essere estradato negli Stati Uniti dove lo attende la pena dell’ergastolo o quella di morte.

Su tale tema ha incentrato il suo intervento Giulietto Chiesa. Questi, in sintesi, alcuni brani:

«Il fatto che si voglia distruggere Julian Assange  vuol dire che anche noi, noi tutti, saremo imbavagliati, oscurati, minacciati, impossibilitati a capire cosa succede a casa nostra e nel mondo. Questo non è il futuro, è il presente. In Italia il governo organizza una squadra di censori ufficialmente incaricata di fare pulizia di tutte le notizie che divergono da quelle ufficiali. E' la censura di stato, come altrimenti si può chiamare? Anche la Rai, la televisione pubblica, istituisce una task force contro le “fake news” per cancellare le tracce delle loro bugie quotidiane che inondano tutti i loro teleschermi.

E poi ci sono, ancor peggio, i tribunali misteriosi di gran lunga più potenti di quanto non siano questi cacciatori di fake news: sono Google, Facebook, che manipolano le notizie e, con i loro algoritmi e i loro trucchi segreti, censurano senza appello. Siamo già circondati da nuovi tribunali che cancellano i nostri diritti.

Vi ricordate l'articolo 21 della Costituzione italiana?
C'è scritto “tutti hanno diritto di manifestare liberamente il proprio pensiero”.
Ma 60 milioni di italiani sono costretti ad ascoltare un solo megafono che urla da tutti i 7 canali televisivi del potere.

Ecco perché Julian Assange è un simbolo, una bandiera, un invito alla riscossa, al risveglio prima che sia troppo tardi.
È indispensabile unire le forze che abbiamo, che non sono tanto piccole ma hanno un difetto fondamentale: quello di essere divise, incapaci di parlare con una voce unica.
Occorre uno strumento che parli ai milioni di cittadini che vogliono sapere».

Queste le ultime parole di Giulietto Chiesa. Confermate dal fatto che, subito dopo lo streaming, il video del Convegno è stato oscurato perché «il suo contenuto è stato identificato dalla Comunità YouTube inappropriato o offensivo per alcuni tipi di pubblico».

Manlio Dinucci
il manifesto28 aprile 2020

DE -- Manlio Dinucci -- "Die Kunst des Krieges" -- Giulietto Chiesa an der Frontlinie bis zum Ende

Giovedì 31 maggio sarò a Napoli,... - GIULIETTO CHIESA | Facebook
"Die Kunst des Krieges"
Giulietto Chiesa an der Frontlinie bis zum Ende
Manlio Dinucci

Giulietto Chiesa starb wenige Stunden nach Abschluss der Internationalen Konferenz vom 25. April "Let's Get Rid of War Virus" zum 75. Jahrestag der italienischen Befreiung und des Endes des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Die Streaming-Konferenz wurde organisiert vom No War No Nato Committee - Giulietto war einer der Gründer - und GlobalResearch (Kanada), dem Zentrum für Globalisierungsforschung unter der Leitung von Professor Michel Chossudovsky.
Mehrere Redner - von Italien bis hin zu anderen europäischen Ländern, von den Vereinigten Staaten bis Russland, von Kanada bis Australien - gingen auf die fundmentalen Gründe ein, warum der Krieg seit 1945 nie zu Ende gegangen ist: Auf den zweiten weltweiten Konflikt folgte der Kalte Krieg, dann eine ununterbrochene Reihe von Kriegen und die Rückkehr zu einer Situation, die der des Kalten Krieges ähnelte, mit dem erhöhten Risiko eines Atomkriegs.
Die Ökonomen Michel Chossudovsky (Kanada), Peter Koenig (Schweiz) und Guido Grossi erläuterten, wie mächtige wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Kräfte die Coronavirus-Krise ausnutzen, um die Volkswirtschaften zu übernehmen, und was zu tun ist, um diesen Plan zu vereiteln.
David Swanson (Direktor von World Beyond War, USA), der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Tim Anderson (Australien), der Fotojournalist Giorgio Bianchi und der Historiker Franco Cardini sprachen über vergangene und aktuelle Kriege, die den Interessen derselben mächtigen Kräfte dienen.
Der politisch-militärische Experte Vladimir Kozin (Russland), die Essayistin Diana Johnstone (USA), die Sekretärin der Kampagne für nukleare Abrüstung Kate Hudson (Großbritannien) untersuchten die Mechanismen, die die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines katastrophalen Atomkonflikts erhöhen.
John Shipton (Australien), - Vater von Julian Assange, und Ann Wright (USA) - ehemaliger Oberst der US-Armee - erläuterte die dramatische Situation des Journalisten Julian Assange, WikiLeaks-Gründer, der in London inhaftiert ist und dem die Gefahr einer Auslieferung an die Vereinigten Staaten droht, wo ihn ein Lebens- oder Todesurteil erwartet.
Die Teilnahme von Giulietto Chiesa konzentrierte sich auf dieses Thema. Zusammengefasst sind dies einige Passagen aus seinen Ausführungen:
"Jemand will Julian Assange vernichten: diese Tatsache bedeutet, dass auch wir, wir alle, getäuscht, verdunkelt, bedroht werden, unfähig zu verstehen, was zu Hause und in der Welt vor sich geht. Dies ist nicht unsere Zukunft; es ist unsere Gegenwart. In Italien organisiert die Regierung ein Team von Zensoren, die offiziell damit beauftragt sind, alle Nachrichten, die sich von den offiziellen Nachrichten unterscheiden, zu säubern. Es handelt sich um staatliche Zensur, wie soll man es sonst nennen? Rai, das öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehen, richtet ebenfalls eine Task Force gegen "Fake News" ein, um die Spuren ihrer alltäglichen Lügen zu verwischen und alle ihre Fernsehbildschirme zu überfluten.
Und dann gibt es noch schlimmere, geheimnisvolle Gerichte, die weitaus mächtiger sind als diese Jäger gefälschter Nachrichten: Es sind Google, Facebook, die mit ihren Algorithmen und geheimen Tricks Nachrichten manipulieren und ohne Berufung zensieren. Wir sind bereits von neuen Gerichten umgeben, die unsere Rechte aufheben.
 Erinnern Sie sich an Artikel 21 der italienischen Verfassung?
Er besagt, dass "jeder das Recht hat, seine Gedanken frei auszudrücken".
Aber 60 Millionen Italiener sind gezwungen ein einziges Megafon zu hören, das aus allen 7 Fernsehkanälen der Macht schreit.
Deshalb ist Julian Assange ein Symbol, eine Flagge, eine Einladung zur Rettung, zum Aufwachen, bevor es zu spät ist.
Es ist unbedingt notwendig, alle Kräfte zu vereinen, die wir haben, die nicht unbedeutend sind, die aber einen grundlegenden Fehler haben: sie sind gespalten, unfähig, mit einer einheitlichen  Stimme zu sprechen. Wir brauchen ein Instrument, um zu den Millionen von Bürgern zu sprechen, die es wissen wollen".
Dies war der letzte Appell von Giulietto Chiesa. Seine Worte wurden durch die Tatsache bestätigt, dass die Online-Konferenz unmittelbar nach dem Streaming verdunkelt wurde, weil "die folgenden Inhalte von der YouTube-Gemeinschaft als unangemessen oder beleidigend für einige Zuhörer identifiziert wurden".
 Manlio Dinucci
il manifesto, 28. April 2020
Übersetzung: K.R.

TUR -- Manlio Dinucci -- Guilietto Chiesa, sonuna kadar hep ön safta

İtalyan gazeteci ve siyasetçi Guilietto Chiesa yaşamını yitirdi. World Political Forum ve Valdai İnternational Discussion Club üyesiydi. 2002 yılından bu yana Voltaire İletişim Ağı ve Axis for Peace konferansı çalışmalarına faal olarak katılıyordu.
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Giulietto Chiesa, Kurtuluş ve İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nın 75. Yıldönümü dolayısıyla 25 Nisan tarihinde düzenlenen uluslararası Savaş virüsünden kurtulalım konferansını sonuçlandırmasından birkaç saat sonra yaşamını yitirdi. Kurucularından olduğu Comitato No Guerra No Nato tarafından ve Profesör Michel Chossudovsky tarafından yönetilen Küreselleşme Araştırma Merkezi, Global Research (Kanada) tarafından düzenlenen bu konferans video canlı yayın yöntemiyle gerçekleştirildi.

NL -- Manlio Dinucci -- “De Kunst Van Oorlog” -- Giulietto Chiesa Tot Het Einde Aan De Frontlinie

Giovedì 31 maggio sarò a Napoli,... - GIULIETTO CHIESA | Facebook
“De Kunst Van Oorlog”
Giulietto Chiesa Tot Het Einde Aan De Frontlinie
Manlio Dinucci

Giulietto Chiesa stierf enkele uren na het afsluiten van de 25ste Internationale Conferentie "Let's Get Rid of War Virus" op de 75ste verjaardag van de Italiaanse bevrijding en het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De streaming conferentie werd georganiseerd door het No War No Nato Comité - Giulietto was een van de oprichters - en GlobalResearch (Canada), het Centrum voor Onderzoek naar Globalisering onder leiding van professor Michel Chossudovsky.

Verschillende sprekers - van Italië tot andere Europese landen, van de Verenigde Staten tot Rusland, van Canada tot Australië - gingen in op de fundamentele redenen waarom de oorlog sinds 1945 nooit is beëindigd: het Tweede Wereldconflict werd gevolgd door de Koude Oorlog, vervolgens door een ononderbroken reeks oorlogen en de terugkeer naar een situatie die vergelijkbaar is met die van de Koude Oorlog, met een verhoogd risico op een nucleair conflict.

De economen Michel Chossudovsky (Canada), Peter Koenig (Zwitserland) en Guido Grossi legden uit hoe machtige economische en financiële krachten de coronaviruscrisis uitbuiten om de nationale economieën over te nemen, en wat te doen om dit plan te dwarsbomen.

David Swanson (directeur van World Beyond War, USA), econoom Tim Anderson (Australië), fotojournalist Giorgio Bianchi en historicus Franco Cardini spraken over vroegere en huidige oorlogen, functioneel voor de belangen van dezelfde machtige krachten.

Politiek-militair expert Vladimir Kozin (Rusland), essayist Diana Johnstone (VS), secretaris van de Campagne voor Nucleaire Ontwapening Kate Hudson (UK) onderzocht de mechanismen die de kans op een catastrofaal nucleair conflict vergroten.

John Shipton (Australië), - vader van Julian Assange, en Ann Wright (VS) - voormalig kolonel van het Amerikaanse leger, illustreerden de dramatische situatie van de journalist Julian Assange, de stichter van WikiLeaks die in Londen wordt vastgehouden met het risico te worden uitgeleverd aan de Verenigde Staten, waar hem een levenslange - of doodstraf te wachten staat.

De deelname van Giulietto Chiesa richtte zich op deze kwestie. Samengevat zijn dit enkele passages van wat hij zei:

"Iemand wil Julian Assange vernietigen: dit feit betekent dat ook wij allemaal voor de gek worden gehouden, verduisterd, bedreigd, niet in staat zijn te begrijpen wat er thuis en in de wereld aan de hand is. Dit is niet onze toekomst, maar ons heden. In Italië organiseert de regering een team van censoren die officieel belast zijn met het opruimen van al het nieuws dat afwijkt van het officiële nieuws. Het is staatscensuur, hoe kan het anders genoemd worden? Rai, de openbare televisie, zet ook een taskforce op tegen "nepnieuws" om de sporen van hun dagelijkse leugens uit te wissen, waarmee al hun televisieschermen overspoeld worden.

En dan zijn er nog veel ergere, mysterieuze "rechters" die veel krachtiger zijn dan deze nepnieuwsjagers: het zijn Google, Facebook, die met hun algoritmes en geheime trucs nieuws en censuur zonder enige beweegredenen manipuleren. We zijn al omringd door nieuwe rechtbanken die onze rechten intrekken.

Herinnert u zich artikel 21 van de Italiaanse grondwet?
Het zegt "iedereen heeft het recht om vrijelijk zijn mening te uiten."
Maar 60 miljoen Italianen worden gedwongen te luisteren naar een enkele megafoon die schreeuwt vanuit alle 7 televisiekanalen van de Macht.

Daarom is Julian Assange een symbool, een vlag, een uitnodiging om te redden, om wakker te worden voordat het te laat is.
Het is essentieel om alle krachten te bundelen die we hebben, die niet zo klein zijn, maar die een fundamenteel gebrek hebben: die van verdeeld zijn, niet in staat zijn om met één stem te spreken. 
We hebben een instrument nodig om te spreken tot de miljoenen burgers die het willen weten."

Dit was Giulietto Chiesa's laatste oproep. Zijn woorden werden bevestigd door het feit dat, direct na de streaming, de online conferentie werd verdoezeld omdat "de volgende inhoud is geïdentificeerd door de YouTube-gemeenschap als ongepast of beledigend voor sommige doelgroepen".

Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto28 April 2020

Nederlandse Vertaling: Martien

SP -- Manlio Dinucci -- ‎«EL ARTE DE LA GUERRA»‎ -- Giulietto Chiesa, en primera línea hasta el fin


Giulietto Chiesa, en primera línea hasta el fin

Ha fallecido el político italiano Giulietto Chiesa. Era miembro del World Political ‎Forum y del Valdai International Discussion Club. Participó activamente en los trabajos ‎de la Red Voltaire desde el año 2002 y en la conferencia internacional Axis for Peace.‎


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Falleció Giulietto Chiesa, horas después de haber concluido las actividades por el 75º aniversario ‎de la Liberación de Italia y del fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Conferencia Internacional del ‎‎25 de abril, realizada bajo el lema Liberémonos del virus de la guerra. Fue una conferencia en ‎‎streaming directo, organizada por el Comité “No a la guerra, No a la OTAN” (Italia), del que ‎Giulietto Chiesa fue uno de los fundadores, y por Global Research (Canadá), el centro de ‎investigación sobre la globalización que dirige el profesor Michel Chossudovsky.‎

EN -- Manlio Dinucci -- The Art of War -- Giulietto Chiesa On the Front Line Until the End

 Giovedì 31 maggio sarò a Napoli,... - GIULIETTO CHIESA | Facebook 

The Art of War
Giulietto Chiesa On the Front Line Until the End
Manlio Dinucci

Giulietto Chiesa died a few hours after concluding the April 25th International Conference “Let's Get Rid of War Virus”  on the 75th Anniversary of Italian Liberation and the End of World War II. The streaming conference was organized by the No War No Nato Committee – Giulietto was one of its founders – and GlobalResearch (Canada), the Centre for Research on Globalization directed by Professor Michel Chossudovsky.

Several speakers - from Italy to other European countries, from the United States to Russia, from Canada to Australia - examined the fundamental reasons why war has never ended since 1945: the Second World conflict was followed by the Cold War, then by an uninterrupted series of wars and the return to a situation similar to that of the Cold War, with increased risk of nuclear conflict.

Economists Michel Chossudovsky (Canada), Peter Koenig (Switzerland) and Guido Grossi(Italy) explained  how powerful economic and financial forces are exploiting the coronavirus crisis to take over national economies, and what to do to thwart this plan.

David Swanson (director of World Beyond War, USA), economist Tim Anderson (Australia), photojournalist Giorgio Bianchi and historian Franco Cardini talked about past and current wars, functional to the interests of the same powerful forces.

Political-military expert Vladimir Kozin (Russia), essayist Diana Johnstone (USA), Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Kate Hudson (UK) examined the mechanisms increasing the chance of a catastrophic nuclear conflict.

John Shipton (Australia), - father of Julian Assange, and Ann Wright (USA) – former US Army colonel, illustrated the dramatic situation of journalist Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder detained in London at risk of being extradited to the United States where a life or death sentence awaits him.

Giulietto Chiesa's participation focused on this issue. In summary, these are some passages of what he said:

“Someone wants to destroy Julian Assange: this fact means that we too, all of us will be fooled, obscured, threatened, unable to understand what is going on at home and in the world. This is not our future; it is our present. In Italy the government is organizing a team of censors officially charged with cleaning up all news differing from the official news. It is State censorship, how else can it be called? Rai, public Television, is also setting up a task force against “fake news” to erase the traces of their everyday lies, flooding all their television screens.

And then there is even worse, mysterious courts far more powerful than these fake news hunters: they are Google, Facebook, who manipulate news and censure without appeal with their algorithms and secret tricks. We are already surrounded by new Courts that cancel our rights.

Do you remember Article 21 of the Italian Constitution?
It says “everyone has the right to freely express its thought.”
But 60 million Italians are forced to listen to a single megaphone that screams from all 7 Television channels of the Power.

That's why Julian Assange is a symbol, a flag, an invitation to rescue, to wake up before it's too late.
It is essential to join all forces we have, which are not so small but have a fundamental flaw: that of being divided, unable to speak with a single voice. We need an instrument to speak to the millions of citizens who want to know.”

This was Giulietto Chiesa’s last appeal. His words were confirmed by the fact that, immediately after the streaming, the online conference was obscured because “the following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”

 Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto28 April 2020


FR -- Manlio Dinucci -- L’Art de la guerre -- Giulietto Chiesa en première ligne jusqu’à la fin

Giovedì 31 maggio sarò a Napoli,... - GIULIETTO CHIESA | Facebook
L’Art de la guerre
Giulietto Chiesa en première ligne jusqu’à la fin
Manlio Dinucci

 Giulietto Chiesa est mort quelques heures après avoir conclu, pour le 75ème anniversaire de la Libération et de la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, la Conférence internationale du 25 avril “Libérons-nous du virus de la guerre”. Une conférence en streaming direct, organisé par le Comitato No Guerra No Nato, dont il était un des fondateurs, et par Global Research (Canada), le Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation dirigé par le professeur Michel Chossudovsky.

  Plusieurs intervenants -d’Italie et d’autres pays européens, des États-Unis à la Russie, du Canada à l’Australie- ont examiné les raisons de fond pour lesquelles de 1945 à aujourd’hui la guerre ne s’est jamais terminée : au Second conflit mondial a succédé la Guerre froide, puis une série ininterrompue de guerres et le retour à une situation analogue à celle de la Guerre froide qui accroît le risque d’un conflit nucléaire.

 Les économistes Michel Chossudovsky (Canada), Peter Koenig (Suisse) et Guido Grossi (Italie) ont expliqué comment de puissantes forces économiques et financières exploitent la crise du coronavirus pour s’approprier les économies nationales et ce que nous devrions faire pour contrecarrer ce plan.

 David Swanson (directeur de World Beyond War, USA), l’économiste Tim Anderson (Australie), le photo-reporter Giorgio Bianchi et l’historien Franco Cardini ont parlé des guerres passées et actuelles, servant les intérêts de ces mêmes puissantes forces.

 L’expert de questions politico-militaires Vladimir Kozin (Russie), l’essayiste Diana Johnstone (USA), la secrétaire de la Campagne pour le désarmement nucléaire Kate Hudson (Royaume-Uni) ont examiné les mécanismes qui renforcent la probabilité d’un conflit nucléaire catastrophique.

 John Shipton (Australie), père de Julian Assange, et Ann Wright (USA), ex-colonelle de l’US Army, ont illustré la situation dramatique de Julian Assange, le journaliste fondateur de Wikileaks détenu à Londres, qui risque d’être extradé aux États-Unis où l’attend la réclusion à perpétuité ou la peine de mort.

  C’est sur ce thème que Giulietto Chiesa a centré son intervention. Dont voici quelques extraits :

“Le fait qu’on veuille détruire Julian Assange veut dire que nous aussi, nous tous, serons bâillonnés, occultés, menacés, mis dans l’impossibilité de comprendre ce qui se passe chez nous et dans le monde. Ceci n’est pas l’avenir, c’est le présent. En Italie le gouvernement organise une équipe de censeurs officiellement chargée d’éliminer toutes les informations qui divergent de celles qui sont officielles. C’est la censure d’état, comment l’appeler autrement ? La Rai aussi, la télévision publique, institue une task  force contre les “fakes news” pour effacer les traces de leurs mensonges quotidiens qui inondent tous les écrans.

Et puis il y a, pire encore, les tribunaux mystérieux de très loin plus puissants que ce que sont ces chasseurs de fakes news : ce sont Google, Facebook, qui manipulent les informations et, avec leurs algorithmes et leurs maquillages secrets, censurent sans appel. Nous sommes déjà entourés par de nouveaux tribunaux qui effacent nos droits.

Vous rappelez-vous l’article 21 de la Constitution italienne ?
Il y est écrit “tout le monde a le droit de manifester librement sa propre pensée”.
Mais 60 millions d’Italiens sont obligés d’écouter un seul mégaphone qui hurle depuis les 7 chaînes télévisées du pouvoir.

Voilà pourquoi Julian Assange est un symbole, une bannière, une invitation à la révolte, au réveil avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.
Il est indispensable d’unir les forces que nous avons, qui ne sont pas si petites mais ont un défaut fondamental : celui d’être divisées, incapables de parler d’une seule voix. Il faut un outil qui parle aux millions de citoyens qui veulent savoir”.

  Voilà les dernières paroles de Giulietto Chiesa. Confirmées par le fait que, immédiatement après le streaming, la vidéo de la Conférence a été occultée parce que “son contenu a été identifié par la Communauté YouTube comme inapproprié ou offensant pour certains types de public”.

Manlio Dinucci

Édition de mardi 28 avril 2020 d’il manifesto
Traduit de l’italien par Marie-Ange Patrizio








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What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, na manhã do dia 24 de Fevereiro de 2022

Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, Tradução em português

Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin: Cidadãos da Rússia, Amigos,

Considero ser necessário falar hoje, de novo, sobre os trágicos acontecimentos em Donbass e sobre os aspectos mais importantes de garantir a segurança da Rússia.

Começarei com o que disse no meu discurso de 21 de Fevereiro de 2022. Falei sobre as nossas maiores responsabilidades e preocupações e sobre as ameaças fundamentais que os irresponsáveis políticos ocidentais criaram à Rússia de forma continuada, com rudeza e sem cerimónias, de ano para ano. Refiro-me à expansão da NATO para Leste, que está a aproximar cada vez mais as suas infraestruturas militares da fronteira russa.

É um facto que, durante os últimos 30 anos, temos tentado pacientemente chegar a um acordo com os principais países NATO, relativamente aos princípios de uma segurança igual e indivisível, na Europa. Em resposta às nossas propostas, enfrentámos invariavelmente, ou engano cínico e mentiras, ou tentativas de pressão e de chantagem, enquanto a aliança do Atlântico Norte continuou a expandir-se, apesar dos nossos protestos e preocupações. A sua máquina militar está em movimento e, como disse, aproxima-se da nossa fronteira.

Porque é que isto está a acontecer? De onde veio esta forma insolente de falar que atinge o máximo do seu excepcionalismo, infalibilidade e permissividade? Qual é a explicação para esta atitude de desprezo e desdém pelos nossos interesses e exigências absolutamente legítimas?

Read more


Ver a imagem de origem


(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis


Read more at Moon of Shanghai

World Intellectual Property Day (or Happy Birthday WIPO) - Spruson ...

Moon of Shanghai

J. Bacque

20 questions to Putin

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Address to the Nation

Address to the Nation.

The President of Russia delivered the Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall.

January 15, 2020

State of the Nation

Joint news conference following a Normandy format summit

Joint news conference following the Normandy format summit.


“Copyright Zambon Editore”



De Hiroshima até hoje: Quem e como nos conduzem à catástrofe





Um auto retrato surpreendentemente sincero do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin



Personagens Principais em 'Na Primeira Pessoa'

Parte Um: O Filho

Parte Dois: O Estudante

Parte Três: O Estudante Universitário

Parte Quatro: O Jovem especialista

Parte Cinco: O Espia

Parte Seis: O Democráta

Parte Sete: O Burocrata

Parte Oito: O Homem de Família

Parte Nove: O Político

Apêndice: A Rússia na Viragem do Milénio

Daniele Ganser


Subtitled in EN/PT

Click upon the small wheel at the right side of the video and choose your language.


“Glory to God in the highest,

and on Earth

Peace, Good Will toward men.”

This Christmas, Give Peace