An Oligarchy Has
Subverted American Democracy
Guest Column by
Mike Lofgren
An Oligarchy Has
Broken Our Democracy. It Must Be Dislodged
By Mike Lofgren
January 18, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "The Guardian" - Each
new election year promises change. We will choose a new president and new
representatives in Congress; fresh faces will make their appearances in
Washington DC, while old ones disappear. But what about the people who stay in
power, one election after another, less exposed to the public eye?
The concept of a
‘Deep State’ has been around for a while, but rarely to describe the United
States.The term, used in Kemalist Turkey by the political class, referred to an
informal grouping of oligarchs, senior military and intelligence operatives and
organized crime, who ran the state along anti-democratic lines regardless of
who was formally in power.
I define the
American Deep State as a hybrid association of elements of government and
top-level finance and industry that is able, through campaign financing of
elected officials, influence networks and co-option via the promise of
lucrative post-government careers, to govern the United States in spite of
elections and without reference to the consent of the governed.
These operatives
use their proximity to power and ability to offer high-paying jobs to
government officials to achieve outcomes foreclosed to ordinary citizens. As
professor Martin Gilens of Princeton, who studied the correlation between
American popular opinion polls and public policy outcomes,concluded: “[T]he
preferences of economic elites have far more independent impact upon policy
change than the preferences of average citizens do ... ordinary citizens have
virtually no influence over what their government does in the United States.”
America’s growing
income disparity is not the inevitable result of impersonal forces like
globalization or automation. It is the outcome of hundreds of trade, tax and
regulatory measures that achieved the preferred outcome – enrichment – of
economic elites who contribute to politicians.
Since the 2010
Citizens United Supreme Court decision, big money dominance of politics has
gone into overdrive. Over half the money given to presidential candidates in
the 2016 campaign comes from just 158 families.
The result is that
middle class incomes have continued to stagnate even as America saw its first hundred-billionaire family. Income inequality
has reached crisis proportions. Today, hedge fund managers often pay a lower federal tax rate than public
school teachers or firemen.
Greed is the
prerogative of American elites. Their behavior was described by political
scientist Harold Lasswell, who said a society’s
leadership class consists of those whose “private motives are displaced onto
public objects and rationalized in terms of public interest”.
Consider that in
1992, Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney privatized much of our
military’s logistics. A decade later, Halliburton, a company he headed from
1995 to 2000, received $39.5bn in logistics
contracts to support operations in Iraq, while Cheney,
having been elected to the vice presidency, was receiving deferred compensation from his old
A tell-tale sign of
the Deep State’s involvement in policy is the use of fear to make Congress compliant.
In 2008, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke helped panic Congress into
approving a virtual no-strings bailout of Wall Street by claiming that if it
didn’t approve the measure immediately, there would be no economy left. Since he left the
Fed, Bernanke has made a profitable career giving speeches, mainly to financial
services firms, at around $200,000 a talk.
Likewise, when
there are economic incentives for war, fear becomes the Deep State’s weapon of
choice. In 2002, the Bush administration (and well-paid operatives in the
military-industrial complex) hinted at nuclear mushroom clouds to stampede
Congress into authorizing an invasion of Iraq in search of nonexistent weapons
of mass destruction. During the last 15 years, elites have tried to keep us on
the edge of hysteria about terrorism.
But lately it looks
as if they did their job a little too well. People are now so conditioned by
fear of threats that many support a political candidate who ignores the
euphemisms of the political class and openly appeals to xenophobic fascism
rather than a status quo of oligarchy camouflaged by pro forma elections.
The calculus of the
Deep State has been upset by Donald Trump, a narcissistic pseudo-populist
billionaire, who, ironically, is a symptom of all the pathologies within the
Deep State. His followers may be misguided, and Trump is all too ready to offer
them scapegoats, but they instinctively sense that there is something deeply
wrong with the status quo.
At the other end of
the political spectrum, Bernie Sanders has overthrown the current model of
elite financing of candidates. Tens of thousands of his energetic followers –
Sanders’s average contribution is under $30 – actively
seek a return to the New Deal and the Great Society.
The Deep State may
yet reassert itself through money and fear, but the 2016 election looks to be
the first ballot of a longer-term national referendum on what it has made of
our society.
Mike Lofgren is a writer and former
staff member in the US Congress. He retired in
June 2011 after 28 years service, latterly (since 2005) as a staff member of
the Senate budget committee.
© 2015 Guardian News
and Media Limited
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West
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