Paul Craig Roberts Translations

What part will your country play in World War III?



What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff


The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent. It is evident that War Clouds are gathering. The signs are everywhere, with media coverage and open talk of war in many countries. The RAND Corporation have for years been preparing military scenarios for World War III, and NATO is reported to be currently doing so. Vast movements of NATO troops and equipment are either in preparation or process to surround Russia. The US is surrounding China with military bases including the world's largest in Guam. Both China and Russia are surrounded with nearly 400 US biological weapons labs. Iran is entirely vulnerable from the American military build-up in the Middle East.




Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Why is Google/YouTube taking down these videos and threatening the sites that post them? Paul Craig Roberts

Why is Google/YouTube taking down these videos and threatening the sites that post them?

Why is Google/YouTube taking down these videos and threatening the sites that post them?
Paul Craig Roberts
Scroll down this URL to the last video of the blond female student at Parkland, Alexa Miednik. She says she walked out of the building with the alleged shooter, Nikolas Cruz, while shots were still occurring in other parts of the building.
This Parkland teacher, Stacy Lippel, describes the shooter as police in full armor that Lippel also says the shooting was occurring after the fire alarm went off. Isn’t the official story that Cruz pulled the fire alarm after his rampage was over so that he could escape by walking out with the other students?
How did Cruz get rid of his full armor in time to walk out of the building with Alexa Miednik?
Why is David Hogg, the suspected crisis actor, the witness of choice of the presstitutes and not Alexa Miednik and Stacy Lippel? Hogg can’t seem to remember his lines:
Who do we believe, the eyewitness students and teachers, or the authorities and presstitutes, who never tell the truth.
When we are faced with these heavy contradictions, why is it conspiracy theory and/or insensitivity and harassment to raise questions?
I do not know what happened, but I am again witnessing the shutdown of honest inquiry.

PT -- GUERRA NUCLEAR: 4.2 Golfo: A primeira guerra depois da Guerra Fria



De Hiroshima até hoje:
Quem e como nos conduzem à catástrofe


4.2  Golfo: A primeira guerra depois da Guerra Fria
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RO -- Manlio Dinucci – Arta Razboiului: Revine cosmarul rachetelor din Comiso

 We need volunteer translators for these languages


Arta Razboiului

Revine cosmarul rachetelor din Comiso

Manlio Dinucci

Planul a fost anuntat în prealabil acum trei ani, în timpul Administratiei Obama, atunci cînd ofiterii Pentagonului au declarat ca, «în fata agresiunii ruse, Statele-Unite iau în considerare instalarea de rachete de croaziera terestre în Europa, cu baza la sol» (Il manifesto, 9 Iunie 2015). În prezent, cu Administratia Trump, acelasi lucru este confirmat oficial.

În anul fiscal 2018, Congresul Statelor-Unite a autorizat finantarea «unui program de cercetari si dezvoltare a unei rachete de croaziera lansata de la pamînt, situata pe o platforma mobila pe o sosea». Este o racheta de capacitate nucleara, cu un interval intermediar (între 500 si 5500 km), asemanatoare celor 112 rachete nucleare Cruise, instalate de Statele-Unite în Comiso, în deceniul lui 1980. Ele au fost eliminate, împreuna cu rachetele balistice Pershing 2, plasate de SUA în Germania, si cu SS-20 sovietice, plasate în URSS, în conformitate cu Tratatul Fortelor Nucleare Intermedii (INF), semnat în 1987. Acelasi tratat, interzice instalarea de rachete terestre cu baza la sol, si un interval între 500 si 5500 km.

Washington acuza în prezent Moscova ca instaleaza rachete de aceasta categorie, si declara ca «daca Rusia va continua sa violeze Tratatul INF, Statele-Unite nu vor continua sa fie legate de acest tratat», adica, vor fi libere sa implanteze, în Europa, rachete nucleare cu un interval intermediar cu baza de lansare de la sol.

Cu toate acestea, este ignorat un factor decisiv: rachetele ruse (admitînd ca ele sunt de interval intermediar) sunt instalate într-o pozitie de aparare, pe teritoriul rus, în timp ce rachetele de interval  intermediar ale SUA sunt plasate într-o pozitie ofensiva, în Europa, aproape de teritoriul rus. Este ca si cum Rusia ar fi plasat rachete nucleare îndreptate spre Statele-Unite, în Mexic.

Avînd în vedere ca alpinismul SUA/NATO continua, instalarea de rachete de acelasi tip în Europa, este de fiecare data mai probabila. Între timp, la începutul lui Februarie, Ucraina, a facut un test cu o racheta terestra intermediara , care în mod clar, a fost creata cu asistenta SUA.

Noile rachete nucleare ale SUA – cu mult mai precise si rapide decît rachetele de croaziera din anii optzeci – vor fi implantate în Italia,si probabil în tarile de Est, alaturîndu-se bombelor nucleare nord-americane B61-12, care vor sosi în Italia si în alte tari, începînd din 2020.

În Italia, noile rachete de croaziera, vor fi plasate probabil, din nou, în Sicilia, cu toate ca nu în mod necesar în Comiso. Pe insula exista doua instalatii ale SUA, de importanta strategica prioritara. Statia MUOS, de la Niscemi, una din cele patru, la nivel mondial (2 în SUA, 1 în Australia si 1 în Sicilia) a sistemului de comunicatii prin satelit, care leaga, la o singura retea de comando, toate fortele SUA, chiar si fortele nucleare, în orice loc din lume, acolo unde se gasesc. JTAGS, o statie de receptie si transmisie prin satelit a «scutului anti-racheta» al SUA, este gata sa functioneze, în Sigonella. Este una din cele cinci la nivel mondial (celelalte se gasesc în Statele-Unite, în Arabia Saudita, în Coreea de Sud si în Japonia).

Statia, care este transportabila, serveste nu numai de aparare anti-racheta, însa de asemenea operatiunile de atac, conduse de baze avansate, ca cele din Italia.

”Statele-Unite – explica Pentagonul în relatoriul «Nuclear Posture Review 2018» - folosesc arme nucleare, instalate în baze avansate, în Europa, pentru apararea NATO. Aceste forte nucleare constituie, în mos esential, o legatura politica si militara prioritara între Europa si America de Nord».

Legîndu-ne la strategia lor, nu numai din punct de vedere militar, însa de asemenea politic, Statele-Unite, transforma de fiecara data mai mult tara noastra, într-o baza avansata a armelor ei nucleare, îndreptata spre Rusia, si deci, într-o tinta avansata spre care sunt tintite, armele nucleare ruse.

Il manifesto, 27 de Fevereiro 2018 
Tradus: Light Journalist


Remember? Women Don’t Want To Be Regarded As Sex Objects

Remember? Women Don’t Want To Be Regarded As Sex Objects

Women Don’t Want To Be Regarded As Sex Objects

Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment Is A Threat To All Of Us Paul Craig Roberts

Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment Is A Threat To All Of Us

Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment Is A Threat To All Of Us
Paul Craig Roberts
We continue to hear from a variety of uninformed or corrupt people that there is “clear evidence” that Russia interfered in the US presidential election. We hear it from the Atlantic Council, a mouthpiece for the military/security complex.
We hear it from a nutcase in the British Labour Party.
We hear it from Washington Post presstitutes and, of course, from all the others professional liars at the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and the rest of the brothel.
We hear it from Newt Gingrich on Fox News and from politicians in both parties.

The truth of the hoax indictment is available, but it is not reported by the presstitutes. This website has reported the facts about the indictment as has Moon of Alabama and David Stockman. Even Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in his press conference announcing Muller’s indictment of 13 Russians told us part of the truth when he said at the 5 minute, 22 second mark that “there is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.” Rosenstein goes on to say that the suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a trial, which, of course, will not take place as the indicted charges are make-believe and the US has no jurisdiction over the indicted Russians. 
Is this the way the presstitutes and politicians are reporting it?

Of course not. Mueller’s comic indictment is being treated as proof that the Russian government interfered in the election. In other words, the presstitutes and politicians are purposely deceiving the public at home and abroad. The corrupt Amerian media and political system misrepresent Mueller’s unproven accusation as proof of guilt.
Note that Rosenstein waited until the end of his press conference to tell us that Mueller’s indictment is not supportive of the Russiagate allegation of a Trump/Putin conspiracy that stole the election from Hillary. Note also that Rosenstein does not tell us that what Mueller has indicted is a private Russian internet marketing bait-click scheme whose purpose was to make money, not influence the US presidential election. See, for example, 

The presstitutes have not explained the charges that comprise the indictments of the 13 Russians. It is important to understand what these charges are. As Mueller’s charges themselves make perfectly clear, the indictment has nothing to do with stealing an election. The Russians are charged with committing violations of visa laws by disguising the true reason for their trip to the US. They are charged with fraudulent use of telephone calling cards, email accounts and bank accounts, apparently by using false names and stolen identities. In other words, the crimes, even if they were committed, do not relate to the Russiagate allegations of a Trump/Putin conspiracy to steal the presidential election.
As I read the indictment, these illegalities are alleged to constitute a conspiracy to defraud the United States by interfering in the election. However, according to the indictment, the conspiracy to defraud began in 2014 before it was known Trump would be a presidential candidate. So who was the unknown candidate at the time who was to benefit from the interference? Why would Russians interfere in an election when they do not know who the candidates will be? Apparently, both Mueller and the American presstitute media are too stupid to see the relevance of this question.
Why hasn’t the media explained any of this and asked how it amounts to a Putin/Trump conspiracy to steal the election? What is wrong with the American people that they cannot see this by themselves. Why do they need it explained to them? Is it because they are too lazy to care enough to know the truth?
David Stockman, a former member of the House of Representatives and a former director of the Office of Management and Budget, accurately describes Muller’s indictment as a “comic book indictment” and “a great big nothingburger.”
Stockman points out some of the facts that Mueller, Rosenstein, Fox News, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, BBC, etc., have failed to tell us:
“The nefarious ‘troll farm’ in St. Petersburg that comprises nearly the totality of Mueller’s case is not a Russian intelligence agency operation at all.”
“Nowhere in the entire 37 pages is there even a clause linking Prigozhin’s Hobby Farm to the SVR (foreign intelligence service), the FSB (counter-intelligence and anti-terrorism), the GRU (military intelligence service), any other agency of the Russian State—-or even some purported Kremlin back channel to Putin.”
The question is: Why is the entirety of the print and TV media, a huge chunk of the Internet and social media, a majority of Congress, the entirety of the military/security complex and even a Disney movie, “His Double Life,” determined to elevate “the Russian threat”? The Disney movie concludes with these words across the screen: Russian agents “are your neighbors. Your co-workers. Your friends. Your husbands.” The “Russian agents” are not only under your bed, but also in bed with you! (Notice that the Russian agents are men, not women, thus in keeping with Identity Politics.)
We know that the military/security complex owns the media. Apparently the complex owns Hollywood as well.
Keep in mind how rare truth is told and how unlikely you are to hear and read the truth.
The concentration during the Clinton regime of the diverse and partly independent media into the hands of six mega-corporations created the ability to control the explanations the public is given. Now the ruling oligarchy is moving to bring the Internet under control as well.
Richie Allen, the host of the most popular independent radio show in Europe, found his Google/YouTube channel deleted yesterday. 1,400 videos of interviews with former CIA officers, bankers, journalists, scientists, including yours truly, simply disappeared. These were largely videos providing counter-narratives to the official explanations. YouTube has a policy that allows deletion of videos that offend people who have been brainwashed and find it painful to have their beliefs challenged. In other words, anything that does not adhere to the official explanations is considering bullying and harassment to the brainwashed masses who are no longer to be permitted the choice between the blue pill and the red pill.
The decision to control all explanations fed to Americans was made years ago. Clearly, the concentration of 90% of the US print, TV, and radio media in the hands of six mega-companies during the Clinton regime was a major step forward. Other concentrations, such as Google/YouTube, have followed. All of these concentrations are illegal under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, but the act is no longer enforced, because according to the neoliberal junk economists, “markets are self-regulating.”
In the absence of a diverse and independent media, there is no such thing as democracy and government accountable to the people. By controlling explanations, the ruling oligarchs can use government for whatever best serves them. The people are the losers.
The Trump presidency is the perfect timing for the oligarchs to take over control of all information. The liberal/progressive/left hate Trump so much that they are willing to ignore the proven fact that Russiagate was a FBI/Obama/Hillary conspiracy against Trump in order to use the false accusation as a weapon against Trump. Gun control advocates and Identity Politics are willing to turn a blind eye to the unanswered questions about school shootings and terrorist bombings in order to get more gun control and police power to suppress “white supremacists.” Partisan in their approach, they do not consider that the same power will be used against them.
As far as I can tell, the vast majority of young Americans have no idea what is at stake. Most will never realize that their reality consists of controlled explanations. They will never know the truth about anything.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

EN -- Manlio Dinucci -- The Art of War: A recurring nightmare: U.S. missiles again in Comiso

We need volunteer translators for these languages

The Art of War  

A recurring nightmare: U.S. missiles again  
in Comiso

Manlio Dinucci  

The plan was announced three years ago, during the Obama Administration, when Pentagon officials declared: "In front of Russian aggression, the United States is considering the deployment of ground-based missiles in Europe" (the manifesto, 9 June 2015). 

Now, with the Trump Administration, the plan is officially confirmed. In the 2018 fiscal year the Congress of the United States authorized the financing of "a program of research and development of a ground-based mobile cruise missile".  It is a nuclear missile with an intermediate range (between 500 and 5500 km), similar to the 112 cruise nuclear missiles deployed by the US in Comiso in the 1980s. 

They were eliminated, along with the Pershing 2 ballistic missiles deployed by the US in Germany and the Soviet SS-20 deployed in the USSR, by the Treaty on Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF), stipulated in 1987. It prohibits the deployment of ground-based missiles with a range between 500 and 5500 km. 

Washington now accuses Moscow of deploying missiles of this category and declares that, "if Russia continues to violate the INF Treaty, the United States will no longer be bound by this treaty", i.e. the United States will be free to deploy ground-based intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe. 

However, a decisive fact is ignored: the Russian missiles (assuming their range is intermediate) are deployed in a defensive position in the Russian territory, while the US intermediate-range missiles would be deployed in an offensive position in Europe close to the Russian territory. It is as if Russia deployed nuclear missiles pointed at the United States in Mexico. 

As the USA/NATO escalation continues, the deployment of such missiles in Europe is increasingly likely.

Meanwhile, in early February, Ukraine tested a ground-based intermediate-range missile, which was certainly produced with US assistance. 

The new USA nuclear missiles - much more precise and faster than the cruise missiles of the Eighties - would be deployed in Italy and probably in Eastern countries too, adding to the B61-12 nuclear bombs that US will deploy in Italy and other countries since 2020.
In Italy, the new cruise missiles would probably again be positioned in Sicily, although not necessarily in Comiso. On the island there are two USA installations of primary strategic importance. 

The MUOS ground station of Niscemi, one of the four on a world scale (2 in the USA, 1 in Australia and 1 in Sicily) of the satellite communications system that connects all US forces, even nuclear, anywhere of the world they are. 

JTAGS, a satellite reception and transmission station for the USA «anti-missile shield», which is about to become operational in Sigonella. It is one of five worldwide (the others are in the United States, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Japan). The station, which is transportable, is used not only for anti-missile defense but also for attack operations, launched from forward-deployed bases such as those in Italy. 

In the “Nuclear Posture Review 2018" the Pentagon declares: "The United States commit nuclear weapons forward-deployed to Europe, to the defense of NATO. These forces provide an essential political and military link between Europe and North America". 

By linking us to their strategy not only militarily but politically, the United States increasingly transform our country into a forward-deployed base of their nuclear weapons pointed at Russia, therefore into a forward-deployed target at which Russian nuclear weapons are pointed.  

(Il manifesto, 27 February 2018)


FR -- Manlio Dinucci -- L’art de la guerre: Missiles étasuniens en Europe, le retour

Nous avons besoin de traducteurs bénévoles pour ces langues

L’art de la guerre

Missiles étasuniens en Europe, le retour 

Manlio Dinucci

 Le plan avait été pré-annoncé il y a trois ans, pendant l’administration Obama, quand des fonctionnaires du Pentagone déclarèrent que “face à l’agression russe, les États-Unis sont en train de considérer le déploiement en Europe de missiles avec base à terre” (“Les missiles reviennent à Comiso”, Il manifesto, 9 juin 2015).
A présent, avec l’administration Trump, ce plan se trouve officiellement confirmé.

  Dans l’année fiscale 2018 le Congrès des États-Unis a autorisé le financement d’ ” un programme de recherche et développement d’un missile de croisière lancé depuis la terre par plate-forme mobile sur route”.
C’est un missile à capacité nucléaire de portée intermédiaire (entre 500 et 5500 km), analogue aux 112 missiles nucléaires de croisière (cruise) déployés par les USA à Comiso (Province de Raguse, Sicile) dans les années 80. Ils furent éliminés, en même temps que les missiles balistiques Pershing 2 déployés par les USA en Allemagne et les SS-20 soviétiques basés en URSS, par le Traité sur les forces nucléaires intermédiaires (Inf), stipulé en 1987. Le Traité interdit le déploiement de missiles avec base à terre et portée comprise entre 500 et 5500 km. 

  Washington accuse maintenant Moscou de déployer des missiles de cette catégorie et déclare que, “si la Russie continue de violer le Traité INF, les États-Unis ne seront plus ligotés par ce traité”, c’est-à-dire seront libres de déployer en Europe des missiles nucléaires à portée intermédiaire avec base à terre.

  Un fait déterminant se trouve cependant ignoré : les missiles russes (en admet tant qu’ils soient à portée intermédiaire) sont déployés en fonction défensive en territoire russe, alors que ceux des USA à portée intermédiaire seraient déployés en fonction offensive en Europe au bord du territoire russe. C’est comme si la Russie déployait au Mexique des missiles nucléaires pointés sur les USA. Comme l’escalade USA/NATO continue, le déploiement de ces missiles en Europe est de plus en plus probable.

 Pendant ce temps l’Ukraine a testé début février un missile à portée intermédiaire avec base à terre, réalisé certainement avec l’assistance des USA. Les nouveaux missiles nucléaires étasuniens -beaucoup plus précis et rapides que les “cruise” des années 80- seraient déployés en Italie et probablement aussi dans des pays de l’Est, venant s’ajouter aux bombes nucléaires USA B61-12 qui arriveront en Italie et dans d’autres pays à partir de 2020. 

  En Italie, les nouveaux missiles de croisière seraient selon toute probabilité à nouveau positionnés en Sicile, même si non nécessairement à Comiso. 

   Il y a dans l’île deux installations USA de première importance stratégique. La station MUOS (Mobile User Objective System) de Niscemi, une des quatre existantes à l’échelle mondiale (2 aux USA, 1 en Australie et 1 en Sicile) du système de communications satellitaires qui relie à un unique réseau de commandement toutes les forces étasuniennes, nucléaires comprises, se trouvant dans n’importe quelle partie du monde.
La JTAGS, station de réception et transmission satellitaire du “bouclier anti-missile” étasunien, qui est sur le point de devenir opérationnelle à Sigonella. C’est une des cinq à l’échelle mondiale (les autres se trouvent aux États-Unis, en Arabie Saoudite, Corée du Sud et Japon). La station, qui est transportable, sert non seulement à la défense anti-missile mais aussi aux opérations d’attaque, conduites depuis des bases avancées comme celles qui sont en Italie.

  “Les États-Unis -explique le Pentagone dans le rapport “Nuclear Posture Review 2018”- engagent des armes nucléaires, déployées dans des bases avancées en Europe, pour la défense de la NATO. Ces forces nucléaires constituent un lien politique et militaire essentiel entre Europe et Amérique du Nord”. 

  En nous liant à leur stratégie non seulement militairement mais politiquement, les États-Unis transforment de plus en plus notre pays en base avancée de leurs armes nucléaires pointées sur la Russie et, ainsi, en cible avancée sur laquelle sont pointées les armes nucléaires russes.

Edition de mardi 27 février 2018 de il manifesto

Traduit de l’italien par Marie-Ange  Patrizio


Police Officer Fired for NOT Murdering a Citizen Who Posed No Threat

Police Officer Fired for NOT Murdering a Citizen Who Posed No Threat
Police Officer Fired for Not Murdering a Citizen Who Posed No Threat
Officer Stephen Mader was fired for not instantly killing a non-threatening suicidal black man, who was immediately killed on arrival of two other policemen.
In contrast, a Tennessee sheriff who says he thrives on killing people remains employed and fully in charge.
Tennessee Sheriff Says He Thrives on Killing People
The absence of accountability has placed police above the law. Police have been abusing, robbing, and murdering the public for so long that white Americans and their local governments, prosecutors and courts now accept the commission of crimes by police as a police right. If a civil suit is brought and won against police violence, the local taxpayers, not the offending police, have to pay the awards to the victims of police violence.

IT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L’arte della guerra: Torna l’incubo dei missili a Comiso

Abbiamo bisogno di traduttori per queste lingue

L’arte della guerra

Torna l’incubo dei missili a Comiso

Manlio Dinucci

Il piano fu preannunciato tre anni fa, durante l’amministrazone Obama, quando funzionari del Pentagono  dichiararono che «di fronte all’aggressione russa, gli Stati uniti stanno considerando lo spiegamento in Europa di missili con base a terra» (il manifesto, 9 giugno 2015). Ora, con l’amministrazione Trump, esso viene ufficialmente confermato.

Nell’anno fiscale 2018 il Congresso degli Stati Uniti ha autorizzato il finanziamento di «un programma di ricerca e sviluppo di un missile da crociera lanciato da terra da piattaforma mobile su strada». È un missile a capacità nucleare con raggio intermedio (tra 500 e 5500 km), analogo ai 112 missili nucleari da crociera schierati dagli USA a Comiso negli anni Ottanta. Essi vennero eliminati, insieme ai missili balistici Pershing 2 schierati dagli USA in Germania e agli SS-20 sovietici schierati in URSS, dal Trattato sulle Forze Nucleari Intermedie (INF), stipulato nel 1987. Esso proibisce lo schieramento di missili con base a terra e gittata compresa tra 500 e 5500 km.

Washington accusa ora Mosca di schierare missili di questa categoria e dichiara che, «se la Russia continua a violare il Trattato INF, gli Stati uniti non saranno più vincolati da tale trattato», ossia saranno liberi di schierare in Europa missili nucleari a raggio intermedio con base a terra.

Viene però ignorato un fatto determinante: i missili russi (ammesso che siano a raggio intermedio) sono schierati in funzione difensiva in territorio russo, mentre quelli statunitensi a raggio intermedio sarebbero schierati in funzione offensiva in Europa a ridosso del territorio russo. È come se la Russia schierasse in Messico missili nucleari puntati sugli Stati uniti.

Poiché continua la escalation USA/NATO, è sempre più probabile lo schieramento di tali missili in Europa. Intanto l’Ucraina ha testato agli inizi di febbraio un missile a raggio intermedio con base a terra, realizzato sicuramente con l’assistenza USA.

I nuovi missili nucleari statunitensi – molto più precisi e veloci dei cruise degli anni Ottanta – verrebbero schierati in Italia e probabilmente anche in paesi dell’Est, aggiungendosi alle bombe nucleari Usa B61-12 che arriveranno in Italia e altri paesi dal 2020.

In Italia, i nuovi Cruise sarebbero con tutta probabilità di nuovo posizionati in Sicilia, anche se non necessariamente a Comiso. Nell’isola vi sono due installazioni USA di primaria importanza strategica. La stazione Muos di Niscemi, una delle quattro su scala mondiale (2 negli Usa, 1 in Australia e 1 in Sicilia)  del  sistema di comunicazioni satellitari che collega a un’unica rete di comando tutte le forze statunitensi, anche nucleari, in qualsiasi parte del mondo si trovino. La Jtags, stazione di ricezione e trasmissione satellitare dello «scudo anti-missili» statunitense, che sta per devenire operativa a Sigonella. È una delle cinque su scala mondiale (le altre si trovano negli  Stati Uniti, in Arabia Saudita, Corea del Sud e Giappone).

La stazione, che è trasportabile, serve non solo alla difesa anti-missile ma anche alle operazioni di attacco, condotte da basi avanzate come quelle in Italia.

«Gli Stati Uniti – spiega il Pentagono nel rapporto «Nuclear Posture Review 2018» – impegnano armi nucleari, dispiegate in basi avanzate in Europa, per la difesa della NATO. Queste forze nucleari costituiscono un essenziale legame politico e militare tra Europa e Nord America».

Legandoci alla loro strategia non solo militarmente ma politicamente, gli Stati uniti trasformano sempre più il nostro paese in base avanzata delle loro armi nucleari puntate sulla Russia e, quindi, in bersaglio avanzato su cui sono puntate le armi nucleari russe. 

Il manifesto, 27 febbraio 2018









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What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, na manhã do dia 24 de Fevereiro de 2022

Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, Tradução em português

Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin: Cidadãos da Rússia, Amigos,

Considero ser necessário falar hoje, de novo, sobre os trágicos acontecimentos em Donbass e sobre os aspectos mais importantes de garantir a segurança da Rússia.

Começarei com o que disse no meu discurso de 21 de Fevereiro de 2022. Falei sobre as nossas maiores responsabilidades e preocupações e sobre as ameaças fundamentais que os irresponsáveis políticos ocidentais criaram à Rússia de forma continuada, com rudeza e sem cerimónias, de ano para ano. Refiro-me à expansão da NATO para Leste, que está a aproximar cada vez mais as suas infraestruturas militares da fronteira russa.

É um facto que, durante os últimos 30 anos, temos tentado pacientemente chegar a um acordo com os principais países NATO, relativamente aos princípios de uma segurança igual e indivisível, na Europa. Em resposta às nossas propostas, enfrentámos invariavelmente, ou engano cínico e mentiras, ou tentativas de pressão e de chantagem, enquanto a aliança do Atlântico Norte continuou a expandir-se, apesar dos nossos protestos e preocupações. A sua máquina militar está em movimento e, como disse, aproxima-se da nossa fronteira.

Porque é que isto está a acontecer? De onde veio esta forma insolente de falar que atinge o máximo do seu excepcionalismo, infalibilidade e permissividade? Qual é a explicação para esta atitude de desprezo e desdém pelos nossos interesses e exigências absolutamente legítimas?

Read more


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(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis


Read more at Moon of Shanghai

World Intellectual Property Day (or Happy Birthday WIPO) - Spruson ...

Moon of Shanghai

J. Bacque

20 questions to Putin

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Address to the Nation

Address to the Nation.

The President of Russia delivered the Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall.

January 15, 2020

State of the Nation

Joint news conference following a Normandy format summit

Joint news conference following the Normandy format summit.


“Copyright Zambon Editore”



De Hiroshima até hoje: Quem e como nos conduzem à catástrofe





Um auto retrato surpreendentemente sincero do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin



Personagens Principais em 'Na Primeira Pessoa'

Parte Um: O Filho

Parte Dois: O Estudante

Parte Três: O Estudante Universitário

Parte Quatro: O Jovem especialista

Parte Cinco: O Espia

Parte Seis: O Democráta

Parte Sete: O Burocrata

Parte Oito: O Homem de Família

Parte Nove: O Político

Apêndice: A Rússia na Viragem do Milénio

Daniele Ganser


Subtitled in EN/PT

Click upon the small wheel at the right side of the video and choose your language.


“Glory to God in the highest,

and on Earth

Peace, Good Will toward men.”

This Christmas, Give Peace